The Arc Gymnastics Seminar takes athletes, hobbyists and coaches
through two days of Gymnastics Coaching for Functional Fitness.
- Be drilled through the progression line for each skill.
- Learn the system of going from from 0-10 with basic strength exercises.
- Understand the most common breakdowns & how to address them.
Learn essential spotting and self spotting techniques.
You'll also gain the tools to:
- Structure & program individual training.
- Structure & program class training.
- Limit interference between Gymnastics, Weightlifting & Met-Con.
- Assess individual weaknesses.
Coaches in attendance at this Seminar will gain invaluable insight into the methodology used for running classes and workshops.
To get the most from this Seminar we recommend that you have at least 2 Strict Pull-Ups, and you are able to Kick Up to a Handstand against the wall.
Each practical starts with the flexibility & joint preparation demands for that skill.
We then through the progression line starting with the fundamentals, then progressing steadily to the full skill.
Participants will be taught the spotting techniques for relevant movements, and will have a chance to practice correcting common breakdowns.
Important concepts & cues are introduced between working sets in a progressive fashion so all attendees build a complete understanding of the whole skill.
Each practical is re-capped at the end, where participants can take notes and ask questions!
Participants need not worry about having to remember everything from the weekend.
You can purchase the Arc Gymnastics Coaching Book as an addition.
This is 4 chapters of content on the skills, programming, coaching methodology and business systems.
10:00am - 3:30pm
(1 hour lunch)
Flexibility - Part 1
Scapula Conditioning:
Pull-Up / HSPU:
Lecture 1 (Athletes / Coaches):
Kipping Bar Muscle-Up:
10:00am - 3:30pm
(1 Hour Lunch)
Flexibility - Part 2
Lecture 2 (Athletes / Coaches):
Strict Ring Muscle-Up:
Kipping Ring Muscle-Up:
Lecture 3 (Coaches):
The Seminar is not just for coaches. It's for hobbyists, casual trainers and intermediate athletes with at least 2 Strict Pull-Ups.
Anyone who wants to improve their training knowledge and have practical experience with the necessary progressions and drills should sign up straight away without hesitation.
About 50% of the attendance usually comprises Coaches. The reason they're attracted to this Seminar is because they will learn a lot about the ARC methodology for running classes, and implementing gymnastics into their various coaching practices.
There is one specific lecture only for coaches which takes place at the end of day Saturday - if you're not a coach, you do not need to stay for this.
The reason good movement is on display in my videos is because of the coaching structure, and the breakdown of movements. For this reason, you also will display movement standards you didn't realise you were capable of.
I also tend to prioritise show casing "good" movement, as opposed to "poor" movement.
Unfortunately, for some people, this creates a false perception that everyone is already *amazing* at gymnastics, but the reality is everyones weaknesses will be exposed at this seminar, and that's kind of the point.
If you have 2 Strict Pull-Ups and a kick up to the wall, you're good to go.
The minimum requirement of 2 Pull-Ups is there purely as a recommendation to avoid a certain type of Novice trainer getting overwhelmed.
If you're a beginner, or you're still working on your first Pull-Up, but you have a positive attitude and you're really keen to learn, then please sign up; the first 15 minutes of each practical contains the exact work you need to be doing.
However, if it's likely that you will get mad at yourself, or sulk because there are exercises you struggle with later in the practical, then you should not sign up.
If you want to learn in person - sign up.
If you want to actually possess the basics, I would instead sign up to ARC and do the Level 1 course. This contains the work, and all the learning materials you need to get the basics down.
If you decide to cancel your place anytime 30 days before the Seminar date, you can Email and you will receive a full refund.
A refund will not be processed for any reason for cancellations within 30 days of the Seminar date.
Copyright ARC Gymnastics 2020